

6月17日(水)臨時休館のお知らせ | Closed on June 17 for maintenance


We will be closed on June 17 (Wed) for maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.

小泉八雲記念館・旧居 6月1日(月)より再オープン | Reopen from June 1


We will reopen from June 1st.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 infection.




【予告】企画展「小泉八雲、妖怪へのまなざし」 | Upcoming Exhibition "Lafcadio Hearn: Visions of the Supernatural"

(小泉八雲 生誕170年/来日・来松130年記念企画展)


また、八雲の没後に発見された遺稿の中に、『狂歌百物語』から14種の日本の妖怪たちを選んで描いた自筆イラストがありました。それらは長男の一雄の手によって『小泉八雲秘稿画本 妖魔詩話』(小山書店)としてまとめられ出版されたのですが、ここに登場する八雲好みの妖怪たちが、怪談作品の主役や脇役になっているのが垣間見えて面白いのです。

Lafcadio Hearn: Visions of the Supernatural
(Exhibition: The 170th Anniversary of the Birth of Lafcadio Hearn & the 130th Anniversary of His Arrival in Japan and Matsue)
Saturday June 27, 2020–Sunday June 6, 2021

An entrance to the world of the supernatural
A glimpse behind the scenes in the creation of ghost stories

The source material for many of Lafcadio Hearn’s ghost stories is still available. These original materials are contained in rare books from the Edo (1603 – 1868) to the early Meiji (1868 – 1912) periods. They are held in the Lafcadio Hearn Library, University of Toyama Central Library. (This institution has around 2,400 of Hearn’s books.) These books are key to understanding the secrets behind the creation of Hearn’s retold works.
“Retelling” means to rewrite folklore in a contemporary way. In many of his stories, Hearn fleshed out the originals and expanded them. He also sought to enhance their frightening appeal and artistic effects.
Manuscripts found after Hearn’s death contain illustrations drawn by Hearn of 14 Japanese supernatural beings (Yokai), which he had chosen from Kyoka Hyaku Monogatari. His eldest son, Kazuo, compiled these and published them in Japanese Goblin Poetry (Koyama Shoten). It is interesting to see images of the Yokai which Hearn liked, and that appeared in his works as leading or supporting characters.
We intend to explore behind the scenes of Hearn’s creation of ghost stories and his masterful use of the retelling genre.